Water Safety

Water Safety at Wakatere
Narrow Neck Beach is a public reserve and waterway. As the main sailing season is during the warmer months you can expect to see swimmers, kayaks, paddleboards - things that may be slower than you.
Please note the speed of all vessels (ie dinghies, windsurfers & patrol boats) must be no more than 5 knots when the vessel is:
Within 50m of any person in the water
Within 200m of the shore, any structure or vessel flying a dive flag
Within 50m of any other vessel - except when you are involved in a YNZ affiliated sport for training or racing.

Stay inside the boundaries of Narrow Neck Reserve when within the 200 metre mark.
There are reefs at both ends of Narrow Neck Beach.
- stay inside the public beach ramp on your left
- stay inside the two tall trees on your right