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Club Trailers

Wakatere owns two trailers that can be used to transport Club member's boats to regattas. One trailer is affectionately known as THE DONN, the other is lovingly called 2 MIKES. These trusty trailers are named after the amazing volunteers who played key roles in designing and funding them.

One is purpose built to carry 9 Optimists the other is for more general use and can carry Optimists, Starlings, OK Dinghies.

If you would like to sail in a regatta with other club members but cannot get your boat there, contact your Class Rep.

If you are willing to tow a trailer to a regatta on behalf of the Club, your Class Rep will be very pleased to hear from you at any time.


Use of the trailers is organised by Class Reps for specific regattas. A willing parent must volunteer to tow the trailer.

Sailors should contact the Class Rep to express an interest in reserving a spot. When spaces are confirmed, a time slot is advised for everyone to load their own boats. The parent driver/class rep will oversee the loading just before it leaves the club. Own boat ties/straps are required.


Both trailers are custom orders from Pinto Trailers

1600 wide x 3600 long x approx. 1600 high (without boats)

The DONN takes 9 Optimists.

Re-measuring is recommended when loaded for Interislander ferry transport. Exact dimensions are required to make the ferry booking.


The Club trailers are stored at Wakatere. One has been requisitioned by the Windfoil group for away regattas.  

Active loading of boats is permitted in the compound however the club trailers cannot be stored inside the club compound, even for short periods.


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