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Learn to Sail at Wakatere with our Waka Compass Course

Discover Sailing at Wakatere Boating Club

Waka Compass is Wakatere's introductory sailing programme tailored for beginners of all ages. Sailing is an incredibly rewarding sport and our learn-to-sail courses offer a perfect blend of adventure and new challenges through learning. Plus, it's a fantastic way to connect with new friends!

What's on offer

Entry-level sailing lessons for all ages, with boats provided and support from qualified coaches. Click on the age group that suits you best -

Charter boats provided, coaches certified by Yachting New Zealand, lifejackets and helmets available if required, temporary membership included with each Learn to Sail course 

YNZ - "Sailing offers many different opportunities. It's about finding the best pathway for you and enjoying sailing as a sport for life". 


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