πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„Join us Thursday 19th Dec - Black Stick Race & Member's Christmas Party - More details 


Wakatere Hits Platinum

We are thrilled to share some recent news - Wakatere has been awarded Platinum Level Clean Regatta certification for the running of the 2020 NZ RS Feva Nationals in December. This is awarded in recognition of following the 20 best high impact guidelines from Sailors for the Sea to make the regatta sustainable. This is the first time the club has reached this level and as far as we understand Wakatere was the only Platinum certification awarded worldwide for a 2020 regatta.

Thanks to the efforts of all the sailors and support crew at the club during, before, and after the regatta - reducing waste and bringing the sailing and local communities together.
Special mention of our Wakatere Green Team led in no small part by Delayne Salthouse who has been on a mission to educate and engage our club for some years now. Well done team.
As a community club, we know we are in a unique position to support change for our beautiful coastal environment and we look forward to making more of a difference in 2021.

Sailors for the Sea Wakatere Clean Regatta report
More about Sustainability at Wakatere
More about Sailors for the Sea


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